Jesse's 13 on 1-8-11
We had a huge celebration for Jesse's 13th. We wanted to do something different. Something that would would serve as a "right of passage" into manhood. SO many cultures around the world have been doing this for years. We wanted it to be an opportunity to teach Jesse it is time to be a young man and not flounder about during his teenage years. It is a reference point for us to use as we continue to disciple him to grow as a man and as a follower of Christ.
He is stoked!
On Saturday a group of men that we believe have had an influence, are influencing, or we will influence Jesse's life gathered to share the Word of God with him. They had skits, teachings and practical illustrations on how to live his life for the Lord. Jesse also had to share the gospel to Eddie, who acted as an unbeliever. We called it the Pow-Wow! :)
It was a very moving time for both Eddie and Jesse. A time where Eddie ceased his instruction for a day and let him know how very proud he is to have Jesse as his son.
These are most of the men that attended. I think there are only three missing. We have a tremendous amount of respect for them all.
The families all came to our house for a party after the "Pow-Wow". This is only about half the kids that were there. Yes, there were a bunch of girls but I have no clue what they were doing. :)
What an awesome idea!
Wow, I can't think of anything more special for a young man's life of relationships. Praise God for all those men!! SO AWESOME.
I absolutely love the idea of having the men come over and give him words of wisdom. Lovely thought! What a special time for him and this will be remembered for a long time!
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